Friday, August 29, 2008

A Day in History

Regardless of your political persuasion, yesterday will be a day marked in history: the day the first black/biracial/nonwhite candidate received a major-party nomination for president! I say “non-white”, because Obama’s nomination is significant for ALL people of color – Black, Asian, Latino….it is a significant part our American History.

Last night during the Obama’s acceptance speech, my four-yearold took a break from playing to see what my husband and I were watching. As I explained to him the significance of the nomination, I felt – way down in my gut, as a mother does – what a historical impact this will have for my (and for all) children. Never say “never” again. Yes, ANY child CAN be president one day, if that’s what he or she wants to do. I am so proud that my boys will have this moment as part of THEIR history.

Although to my son, a presidential nomination is no more “specialer” than his water day and party at preschool. As he put it: “Today was the most specialist day of all days. He gets to be president (insert a civics lesson from mom that people still have to vote, and the election is in November), we had water day at school, AND we had a party!”

Yes, that’s a pretty darn good day. :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, this was one of the most important and significant days in history and in my life not only as an African American but as a father who kids happen to be multiracial. I never thought I'd see the day that a person of color, or a woman, could be elected president. Not because I didn't believe it would happen eventually but because I wasn't sure that we as a nation could "jump that hurdle", if you will, at least for another 5 or 10 yrs. The impact of this on the next generation of children should not be taken lightly either because for all those time the you have said, to your loved ones or to someone who needed to hear the words, you can be anything you want to be in the world if you put your mind to it will carry a whole different meaning because this election year is a plausible example of the statement that children of any ethnicity or gender can take note of. So no matter what your political preference may be this is important, this is history, vote.